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Best coffee for cold brew
This is my favorite coffee for cold brew.
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Fantastic smooth and strong cold brew
I bought this coffee on a whim, and I am so glad that I did! I had been using Peets coffee for cold brew, but it never tasted quite right. This is perfectly smooth and still strong like it should be. I dont even need milk, its so good! I will definitely be buying more.
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
lauren e
Buy it now!
Makes a great cup of cold brew coffee!
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Great cold brew
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
My Favorite!
Makes great smooth cold brew!
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Rose Marie Fortner
Excellent Taste - rich
Love this coffee- easy to make and super tasty. Really refreshing for a hot summer.
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Deanna Bl
Love the flavor
Love the flavor
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
james GL
Great coffee
Sorry no pic or video. Threw the bag away
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Debbie Baker
Yes finally
Its so smooth! I savor my quiet mornings with my coffee now!
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Great taste
Love this coffee! It is smooth, and tastes great! I just wish it was a little bolder. I like my coffee really dark so I end up using a lot of it to get the strength I want. I was getting monthly subscriptions and I usually ran out before the new bag came. I probably drink 4 cups a day, so if you drink less it will last longer.
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Sarah WEishaar
best cold coffee i've ever had
I used the whole bag. made it in glass container and I also used the mesh bags. it is easy to do and taste wonderful and smooth - no bitterness at all. I drank it black and when I wanted I doctored it up with cream. but cream was not necessary at all. I just love cream!. the hardest part about this process is the wait time. in my process I got the hot ( not boiling ) just pre-boil temp poured up into my cold brew coffee maker 1.4 glass qt. and let it set ( sweat ) on the counter for a minimum of 12 hours, then I put it in the fridge for a minimum of 3 hours and up to 8 hours and it didn't matter is it was 15 hours 20 hours it was simply smooth. this makes a concentrated version and I watered down the black coffee- normally I didn't water down the " cream" coffee as I use lots of cream / ice and sometimes milk too.
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Cold Brew
I love this for my cold brew coffee, just as good as you can get at any store!
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
It is delicious
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Cold brew
Great smooth taste! Used it with a cold brew pitcher I bought on amazon. Excited to keep using it.
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Great quality, great taste.
I used this for the first time yesterday in my cold brew coffee maker. I genuinely prefer this over the cold brew products at Starbucks. It has a nice rich almost chocolate-like aftertaste and I am enjoying every sip of it. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys cold brew products, and I'll definitely be a returning customer.
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Thomas B
Best cold brew coffee
Great sweet taste.
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Robert C Hobby
Excellent cold brew coffee
This makes excellent cold brew coffee
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
John B
Very good flavor for my net coffee brewing cold brew pot
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Smooth, delicious iced coffee!
In the summer, nothing beats iced coffee, and I've been trying to find beans that make a really smooth iced coffee, but with no luck, until I tried Bizzy's cold brew beans! I used their recipe to make a cold-brew concentrate and it is *so* smooth and delicious! I will definitely be buying this again
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Marlies H
I am in love! I was initially torn Re:this or the dark roast, but cant say enough re: this coffee. Have tried so many methods and coffees, but this plus my Ball jar steeper make an awesome cold brew
Smooth & Sweet
Course Ground
Amy B Kelly